Steven R. King, Ph.D.
Dr. Steven R. King has conducted ethnobotanical and ethnomedical field research in 15 countries in Latin America, Africa and South East Asia. He has published 59 scientific papers focusing on food and medicinal plants. He has been actively involved in international debates and discussions focusing on collaboration with indigenous peoples, the conservation of biological diversity, intellectual property rights and global human health care needs.
Dr. King served as the Chief Operating Officer and V. P. of Ethnobotany and Conservation at Shaman Pharmaceuticals (1990-1999) in charge of international relations, field research, conservation and long-term supply of plant material for all of Shaman’s research and development activities. Prior to working at Shaman Pharmaceuticals, Dr. King worked as the Chief Botanist for Latin America for the Nature Conservancy in Washington D.C. Before joining the Nature Conservancy, he worked at the National Academy of Sciences as part of the Committee on Managing Global Genetic Resources where he focused on managing the genetic resources of tree species. He earned his Ph.D. in biology at the Institute of Economic Botany of the New York Botanical Garden.